The doggies (all 5 of them- Molly, Tinley, Minnie, Oscar and Izzy) were surely thankful that Grandpa Scraps was being his normal generous self when it came to handing out the Thanksgiving leftovers...
And I, selfishly, am blessed to have been able to spend another holiday with those who mean the most to me...
Thanksgiving Day was also the end of our 37th week of pregnancy-- full term! Yep, that means that Lil E can come at any time now, which has us both excited and mortified all at the same time. Matt has his checklist, of course, and is diligently marking each and every item off- car seat installed- check, bassinet and swing constructed- check, curtain rod and shelves hung- check. My list looks more like Grandma Hottie's blanket she's been knitting for the last 22 years... bag packed- sort of, baby's clothes washed- mostly, thank you cards written- halfway done... there's so much still to do at home to prep for his arrival, but that's what I took the time off for, right? Let's just hope he doesn't come tomorrow...
Hi guys... it is Kelly Strauss. Ryan told me about your blog. I just read your last post and I have to tell you that I know what you are going through. Hang in there. By the way, you look great!!