Monday, June 1, 2009

Let the Summer begin!

Brady loves being outside! Whether it's going for walks in the stroller or just sitting out on the porch, he definitely likes getting out of the house. I can't say I blame him! It was a tough winter, but we're looking forward to spending the Summer outside with Brady now that he's bigger and able to take it all in. Hopefully we'll get to the zoo in the next few weeks!

He's very interested in everything we eat and drink; he tries so hard to take a taste! We're still trucking along with the cereal and tried oatmeal for the first time this weekend. Doesn't really like that either. Can't wait to start giving him fruits and veggies, hopefully he'll like those more than the grains!

We got our very first cold over Memorial Day weekend and we're still fighting off the end of it. Lots of boogies! But he handled it like a champ for the most part and slept, and slept, and slept! He's also chewing EVERYTHING and drooling a ton, so we are hopeful that his first tooth breaks through soon.

We're taking our first road trip to St. Louis this weekend to spend some time with Matt's family. We're also going to see the Baileys and Kathy and Sam... very fun! We'll post pics from the trip when we get back. For now, enjoy a few from the last 10 days or so...

C'mon Dad, just a little taste?

It's true, every time he wears it

Swinging at the Durkins

Such a happy boy!

Touching grass for the very first time!

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