Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Christmas and Birthday

Hard to believe that today is Brady's first birthday! All day Matt and I have been recounting the events of this day one year ago and it feels like it was just yesterday. So much has happened in the last year, yet it went by in a flash. How is that possible?!

Post-birthday dinner at home, Braden is 1!

The last week has been both a blast and a disaster... Last Sunday we had Brady's birthday party at my parent's house; just a small gathering with immediate family. Brady loves animals, so the theme was farm/barnyard. Brady was an adorable little farmer! But later in the evening, Brady started sniffling and his nose has been running non-stop ever since. Our poor baby was sick for his first Christmas and birthday... hopefully he'll start feeling better soon!

Got cake on his pants so they had to go!

We celebrated Christmas Eve with the Stetzer family and Brady had his first encounter with Santa (aka, Dad). He wasn't sure what to make of him, so we couldn't get any good shots with the Jolly guy. Maybe next year!

"Hmmm... Santa, you look really familiar..."

Christmas Day was spent at Grandma and Grandpa Eatherton's new home and was very relaxing. Matt's sister Lindsay is due on Jan. 12th, so next Christmas will be a little more crazy than this one, in a good way of course!

Brady received tons of gifts from all his relatives; Mom and Dad don't know what to do with everything! Our condo looks like a Toys R Us exploded in it... we could definitely use a basement right about now.

"What should I play with next?!"

Now that the holidays and Brady's birthday has passed, we are hopeful that we can slow down a bit and just enjoy our toddler! That is, until it's time to pack and move... more to come on that later!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

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