Sunday, December 5, 2010

Trying out the potty

For some reason, Brady developed a fear of his little duck potty, so its gotten a little dusty over the last few weeks. But with the help of our dear friends M and M, we're starting to get him interested again.

Tonight, we thought we hit the jackpot. Brady told his Daddy he had to go poop, so we promptly sat him on the pot. After letting out a very dramatic grunt, we were positive that he had actually "gone" this time (he's never done that before), so we got very, very excited. Brady proudly took his 4 M&M's, then stood up to reveal... absolutely nothing.

Turns out the kid is just one. big. faker.

At least we got some good pics of the non-occasion.

Enjoy your M&M kid!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you decorate your blog for the holidays!!!!!!! :)



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