Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Cole's Baptism

We decided to make an early trip to Chicago for Christmas this year, for many reasons. One very important one was that we wanted to have Cole baptized at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Downers Grove (where Matt and I were married and where Brady was baptized) and we knew it would be hard to do around the holidays.

We were very blessed to have both our immediate families present at the service, including Cole's sponsors, Uncle Mike, Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Jason. Auntie Susie and Ashlynn also came! It was a very nice service, and except for when the pastor poured water directly into Cole's eyes, he was extremely well behaved.

After church, we had a luncheon back at Grandma Debbie and Papa's house, just before we hosted an Open House for my family and friends. Unfortunately, in all the commotion, we never brought out Cole's cake. But aside from that, we had a very nice time celebrating Cole's special day.

Cole & I found something to be hysterical

Baptismal water in eyes, uh oh!

Ashlynn & Cole

Auntie Susie & Cole

Cole and his sponsors-- Uncle Mike, Uncle Jason & Aunt Lindsay

Our family!

Cole with all his grandparents

The Eatherton cousins-- Aubrey, Reese, Brady & Cole

Cole with his baptism blanket, knitted with love by Grandma Debbie

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