Monday, October 6, 2008

Ain't gonna happen...

... is basically what our doctor said today when I asked if my due date was going to be "adjusted", given that the little guy is still measuring two weeks ahead of schedule. Not sure why they're so reluctant to change it, especially since I hear it happens all the time. She capped off the conversation by saying that not only is the due date staying Dec. 18th, but they'll let me go 10-12 days late before inducing, all the in the name of natural birth. I can't imagine going all the way to New Years... but I guess we'll have to see what he has planned. I'm hoping he is feeling that an early Dec. birthday would be nice :) But all is progressing well, so we are blessed for that. In other news, I only gained 1 lb. since my last appointment, so hopefully my wide body expansion is slowing down...

And speaking of "ain't gonna happen", it was a sad day today as baseball season came to an official close in Chicago. It could have come to a close yesterday, but at least one of our teams knows how to win in the post-season. Ouch. But at least now we get on with the business of football.

And speaking of football... Go Bears! My buddy Ashlynn and I celebrated the victory together yesterday in our Urlacher jerseys. Yes, if it weren't for the FreezePop she would be in tears.

Ashlynn's baby brother Danny just chillin'

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