Thursday, April 5, 2012

52:11-13 (Cheating!)

I am beating myself up for falling so behind on Project 52, but I'm bound & determined to get on track. And if I have to cheat to do it... so be it. As I mentioned before, the major reason I've fallen behind on these posts is simply because I haven't been taking that many pictures lately. This makes me sad on so many levels, but I've managed to pull a few pics together to create a collage for the last 3 weeks, that all (sort of) come together. Ok, not really... that's why it's cheating.

52:11 - 52:13
our family likes to... indulge
Whether it's food or play, our family likes to indulge in
simple pleasures and go "all in".

One candy? Nope, better make it two.
Police cars that go round and round... borrrring.
Shoot me up in the sky on the bouncy Froggy ride.
Catapult me across the gym on a rope? You betcha.

Matt & I are "thrill seekers", so I'm happy that Brady
shares our interest in trying new things.
Life is an adventure and it's no fun to sit on the sidelines.
Do I see a family bungee jump in our future?!

Interested in learning more about Project 52? Visit styleberryBLOG for more information. Shawna just had a new baby boy and her photos are amazing!! And check out these great blogs that I follow, also participating in Project 52-- What We're Saying...,Blossoms & Vintage, It's A Graham Life and Quiet Footsteps.

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